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ADS130E08IPAG, Yestard Electronics Co,.Ltd. - Inventory

We are global distributor of electronics components.We focus our efforts toward the supplying of all kinds of electronic Components and do business with companies throughout the world. Our devotion is to offer customer service and strong work to all our customers. The company has many years of sales management perience, professional supporting a variety of electronic components,We are specializing...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
ADS130E08IPAG TI 3000 0 21+
ADS130E08IPAGR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131A02IPBSR TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131A04IPBS TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131A04IPBSR TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131E04IPAG TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131E04IPAGR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131E06IPAG TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131E06IPAGR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131E08IPAG TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131E08IPAGR TQFP64 TI 3559 0 20+
ADS131E08SPAGR TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131M02IPWR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131M02IRUKR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131M04IPW 3000 0 21+
ADS131M04IPWR TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131M04IRUKR TI 3000 0 21+
ADS131M06IPBS 3000 0 21+
ADS131M08IPBS TI 5000 0 2021+
ADS131M08IPBSR TI 5000 0 2021+

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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